Why you Might Need an Electric Radiator in your Bathroom

Why you Might Need an Electric Radiator in your Bathroom

I’m a big fan of electric radiators. No, not those electric fan heaters which suck up energy like there’s no tomorrow, but electric versions of traditional radiators. While I would never recommend having them in every room of your home (central heating is still best overall), an electric radiator in key spaces, working periodically, is a great investment. Spaces like a spare bedroom, home office or bathroom can benefit immensely, and it is the latter I want to talk about.

Your bathroom could, and should, benefit from having an electric radiator. Thanks to advice from the radiator experts at Trade Radiators, who specialise in electric radiator options for the home, here are some of the reasons why you might need an electric radiator in your bathroom.

Save on Heating Bills

I want to start by highlighting a common occurrence in homes across the country. The bathroom is where everyone starts their day. It is also the one room that people can start a day on the wrong foot, especially if it’s cold and you’re rushing to brush your teeth or waiting for the shower to heat up.

If you regularly set your central heating to come on early in the morning, just to have the bathroom warm, you’re wasting too much money. Get an electric radiator or towel rail instead. They are completely independent, so you can programme one to come on before the heating does; ideal in homes where everyone is out the front door for work or school. Just imagine how many hours of heating your home you use every year just so that your bathroom is warm in the morning.

A switch to electric puts a stop to that. Think of it like this: would you rather have one electric radiator for 30 minutes early in the morning, or have every single radiator come on just to heat one room effectively?

Save Money When Redecorating

When you’re redecorating your bathroom, you might be fully committed and do work like getting it re-tiled or have the grouting around the shower and sink done again. If you want a radiator moved, though, would you be willing to pay for the floor to be ripped up so someone can re-do all the pipework? It might seem like the only option, but our friend, the electric radiator, is here to help.

Because you can put it anywhere you like (more on that next) and it doesn’t need to rely on your central heating system, it can be a much cheaper option than a normal radiator which comes with all the additional costs from pipework and new valves.

Put the Radiator Anywhere You Like

The bathroom is usually one of those rooms at home where space is either severely limited or you have something in the way. In my bathroom, I have a full-size cabinet (about 6 feet tall) that has to sit behind the door because my radiator is in the only “free” corner. It’s a bit of a nuisance, but I plan to change when I re-decorate my bathroom.

How am I going to do so? Well, the existing radiator will be coming out so I can have a new (and bigger) cabinet in the corner, with an electric towel rail hung high on the wall behind the door. Not only will it give me more free space in a small bathroom, but I can hang towels on the rail to get warm when I’m in the shower. A win-win all around.

Remember, electric radiators only need a socket or wired connection to get working. That means you can have an electrician put a connection up high or anywhere on the wall, with nothing else needed, and easily connect it to a towel rail. I only need a small rail based on the bathroom’s heating requirements, so having a 600mm by 800mm rail will do me fine. Plus, it gives me added floor space which is always great in a bathroom.

These are just a few reasons why I think bathrooms can benefit from having electric radiators. Even if it is just to ensure you’re not shivering first thing in the morning while brushing your teeth, it can help make it easier to attack the day. I would never wish a cold bathroom and cold shower on anyone.

Jacob Charlie