Depressionits Treatments

Depression and its Treatments

Mental health issues can cause individuals to suffer in everyday lifePeople with untreated mental health problems are unable to function adequatelylead a healthycontent lifeIndividuals need to focus on the symptomstheir mental stateIf they experience mentioned symptomsexcessive anxiousness that hinder the functioning of their life, then they should consult a psychiatrist who can help in diagnosesguidance regarding treatment.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that has an immense impact on the life of an individualPeople diagnosed with depression, excessive anger, sadness,anxiety; that cause inadequate functioning in every aspect of lifeIt affects thought processes, behavior, mood,overall sense of well-being.

What are the Different Types of Depression?

There are four main types of depression.

  • Major Depression: The individual remains in a dark stateloses interest in almost everythingThe individual thinks about deathways to attempt suicideIt is treated with a combination of medicationspsychotherapy.
  • Persistent Depression Disorder: The individual is noticed to have low moodpleasure for yearsThe person might be able to function in everyday life but lacks interesthappiness.
  • Bipolar Disorder: The person experiences episodes of extreme moodThe person might experience grandiosityheightened self-esteem.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: This type is related to the seasonschanges in the weatherWhen the days become shorter the person might experience irritabilityanxiousnessThe treatment involves light therapymedications.

What Symptoms Correlate to Depression?

The symptoms of depression include:

  • Unexplained mood swings
  • Irrational aggressive behavior
  • Unable to maintain personal hygiene
  • Feeling sad, alone,empty most of the time
  • Engage in excessive use of alcoholother drugs
  • Thoughts about suicidedeath
  • Reduced sexual desireperformance
  • The person experiences insomnia
  • Felling of fatiguesadness
  • Physical symptoms include headaches
  • Compromised cognitive ability
  • Change in appetiteweight

What Causes An Individual To Suffer From Depression?

Depression Symptoms, Definition, Tests & Medication

The causes can be either related to genes or the environmentThe known causes include:

  • Genetics: If there are people in the family diagnosed with mood disorders, then it is more likely that others may also suffer from depression.
  • Childhood Trauma: Childhood trauma can induce fearanxietycan eventually lead to depression.
  • Activity in the Brain: Less activity in the frontal lobe correlates with the symptoms of depression.
  • Substance abuse: The use of alcoholother drugs increases the chances of developing mental disorders.
  • Other medical conditions: Individuals diagnosed with ADHDother chronic illnesses are prone to develop depression due to a lack of medicalemotional support.

What Tests Help in Diagnosing Depression?

The tests include blood testing to rule out the chances of hypothyroidismThe psychologist would use multiple psychological tests that include;

  • Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
  • The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale
  • Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
  • Beck Depression Inventory

What are the Effective Treatment Options?

The treatment options include;

  • Medication: Anti-depressantsanti-anxiety medications instantly help reduce the symptoms.
  • Psychotherapy: It helps to overcome negative feelings.
  • Light Therapy: Exposure to light helps to improve the moodeliminate the symptoms of depression.
  • Exercise: Workout produces endorphins that affect elevate the mood.
  • Supplements: Supplements are proven beneficial as the overall health of the individual has an impact on the mood.

Who Can Help?

A psychiatrist can help in the diagnosismanaging of the symptomsIndividuals who notice the symptoms should consult a psychiatrist in Islamabad for diagnosesguidance regarding treatment optionsThe clients can enhance their quality of life by taking medicationspsychotherapy.

Jacob Charlie