Suffering from Viral Fever – SymptomsTreatment

Suffering from Viral Fever – Symptoms and Treatment

What Is A Viral Fever?

The body temperature of a human is generally around 37°CA fever is defined as a temperature that is higher than this temperatureFevers are frequently an indication that your body is fighting a bacterial or viral infection.

The term “viral fever” refers to a viral disease that affects the bodyis characterised by a high temperature, burning in the eyes, headaches, body aches, and, in some cases, nauseavomiting.

Because their immunity is poorer, viral fever is more common among childrenthe elderlyFever is a sign of an underlying cause, which is a viral infectionIt is not an illness inof itselfA viral infection can affect any region of the body, including the intestines, lungs,airwaysAs a result of the infection, a fever will develop.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Viral Fever?

Symptoms of a viral fever might vary based on the type of virus that has infected youmay also vary from person to personThe following are some of the most common viral fever symptoms associated with the majority of viral infections:

  • Chills
  • Fever (increase in body temperature.
  • Headache (mild to severe)
  • Sore throat
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Dehydration
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Redness of eyes
  • Facial swelling
  • Rashes on the skin

Most of the symptoms listed above are also present in bacterial feversIf left untreated, a viral fever may affect the immune system, potentially leading to opportunistic or secondary infections.

Severe symptoms, such as a high-grade fever (39.4°C), necessitate prompt medical attention to avoid any negative effects on body systems.

What Are The Possible Causes Of A Viral Fever?

A viral fever is caused by a viral infectionViruses are a type of infectious agent that is very smallThey invademultiply throughout your body’s cellsA fever is your body’s defence mechanism against a virusBecause many viruses are sensitive to temperature changes, a quick rise in your body temperature makes you less virus-friendly.

Viral fever can have a variety of causes based on the type of virus that is invading the bodyHere are some of the common causes of a viral infection.

Fever: Symptoms, treatments, types,causes

  • Viral fever can be passed from one person to another by coming into close contact with the host (a person who is infected with the virus) or a carrier (a person who is carrying the virus even if they do not show any symptoms).
  • Inhaling virus-containing droplets from an infected individual can also spread a viral feverThe most prevalent cause of viral fever is seasonal flu.
  • Viral fever can be spread by sharing food or drinks with someone who has been infected with the virus.
  • Viral fever can also be caused by contaminated water, especially in children.
  • Viral fever can also be conveyed by coming into contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids during sexual activity.
  • Insect (mosquitosticks)rodent (mice) bites can transmit the virus that causes viral fever from these animals/insects to peopleAnimals/insects transmit viral illnesses such as dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika,Chikungunya.
  • During drug usage, blood exchange with an infected person might cause viral fever.

How Are Viral Fevers Treated?

In the majority of cases, viral fevers do not require any treatmentTreatment for a viral fever is determined by the underlying aetiology, the severity of the fever,any additional symptoms present.

Common methods of treatments for viral fevers include:

  • Over-the-counter fever reducers to lower a feveraccompanying symptoms (acetaminophen or ibuprofen).
  • Getting a good amount of rest.
  • Staying by drinking plenty of water.
  • Antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir phosphate (prescribed by doctors when necessary).
  • Taking a lukewarm bath to lower body temperature.

If a person has had a fever for more than three days, or if their temperature is greater than 39.4°C in adults, 38°C in children or newborns, they should seek immediate medical intention.

Seizures, hallucinations,confusion can occur at temperatures greater than this,these are signs of more serious conditionsFind out more about how your viral fever can be treated (Find doctor)

It’s advisable to take Covid 19 vaccine.

Jacob Charlie